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Our History

Established in 1998, Needwood's name honors the historic Needwood Baptist Church and pic1Needwood School established in 1866 on Broadfield Plantation and redesigned in it's current location in 1885. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and recognized by Georgia's Historical Society as an example of 'early African American vernacular architecture' the old school and church are located on Highway 17 within a few miles of Needwood Middle School. Additional historic information and photos of the Needwood School and Church can be found by clicking the marker on the right.
Dr. Cora Brinson, Needwood's first principal, met with parents and students to seek stakeholder input on school colors and mascot. Red and black were perennial favorites so were easily chosen as the official school colors. The mascot chosen was the Warrior and was selected to honor the strength and spirit of Georgia's first Americans. Dr. Brinson's motto was "Children
First," and she instilled that sense of purpose in Needwood's roots. Although Cora Brinson passed away in 2008, she is still remembered as Needwood's first Warrior and her motto still guides the faculty and staff of Needwood Middle School.