TOTY Spotlight: Kandace McHargue

Throughout the month of September, we will be introducing you to the 2023-2024 Glynn County Teachers of the Year.

Kandace McHargue was named Teacher of the Year at Needwood Middle School. She has taught for eleven years, three of which as a sixth-grade math teacher at NMS. Here are some awesome things you should know.


Family: My tiny bestie, Easton! He is my almost four-year-old son who goes by Easy. His daddy and my husband, Jake passed away in 2021. We love him forever and miss him always.

Who is your role model? When I think about a role model there are so many things and people who come to mind. A role model is a person who inspires others. I have a dear friend who inspires me and so many others to love the world around us better. My sweet friend Ally Christianson is such an example of loving others well. She puts her love for others into practice every day. Ally doesn’t just talk about embracing others, she actually puts action behind her beliefs. She radiates kindness and positivity and I am inspired to be better every time I get the opportunity to spend time with her. 

What book has most influenced you? The Bible (I know that sounds cliche, but #Jesus) 

What is your greatest teaching memory? There have been countless moments throughout my teaching career that have been wonderful! One of my absolute favorite memories with a precious group of babies was when I returned from bereavement leave after the loss of my husband and my students had covered my classroom with the sweetest messages and drawings. It is always such a special moment when the students get to pour out kindness on their teachers and this was a huge gesture that I think about often. It was such a darling moment.

What is your favorite quote or personal motto? “It’s hard to be a diamond in a rhinestone world.” – Dolly Parton 
What is a fact about you that most people don't know? One time when I was at Disney World, I won their American Idol competition! 

Any hidden talents or hobbies? Not so hidden (because I am usually quite loud), but singing is my most favorite hobby.