Pope ELA Period 5-FY Assignments

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Fiction Final in Google Classroom

Fiction Final

Use this document to turn in your fiction. If you're in a group, type on one person's document, share it with each group member, then copy and paste it into your document. If you're doing this digitally, EVERYONE should turn in a completed story.


Writing Choice Board in Google Classroom

Writing Choice Board

Choose ONE writing topic from either the NARRATIVE list or the INFORMATIVE list and write a story/essay/article/poem using this document. This will be a notebook grade!


ELA FINAL in Google Classroom


Answer each question to the best of your ability.


Warrior 5 Quiz 4/29 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5 Quiz 4/29

Complete to the best of your ability.


Warrior 5 Quiz, 4/22 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5 Quiz, 4/22

Answer the questions to the best of your ability.


Focus Argument Essay--PE in Google Classroom

Focus Argument Essay--PE

Use this document to write your argument essay on physical education.


Warrior 5 Quiz 4/15 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5 Quiz 4/15

Take this quiz and have a razzle dazzle Friday


Warrior 5 Quiz 4/1 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5 Quiz 4/1

Answer each question to the best of your ability.


Giant Squid Info Essay in Google Classroom

Giant Squid Info Essay

Use this document to write your giant squid essay.


Character Trait Essay FINAL in Google Classroom

Character Trait Essay FINAL

Use this document to write your literary essay on Squeaky's character traits. Use the rubric to help you!


Literary Essay PRE On Demand in Google Classroom

Literary Essay PRE On Demand

Today you will think of a character in a book, story, movie, or show that you love and know a lot about. Think about what this character is like--what are their traits? Are they loyal? Hardworking? Stubborn? Hopeful? Think about how you know that character possesses those traits. You will write an essay about TWO character trait this character has, using evidence from the story to support your claim. Be sure to:

*Write an introduction, including a thesis claiming that the character has TWO specific traits
*Write TWO body paragraphs, one for each trait
*Use evidence from the story to prove the character has this claim
*Write a conclusion

Hoy pensarás en un personaje de un libro, historia, película o programa que te encanta y del que sabes mucho. Piensa en cómo es este personaje, ¿cuáles son sus rasgos? ¿Son leales? ¿Trabajo duro? ¿Testarudo? ¿Esperanzado? Piensa en cómo sabes que ese personaje posee esos rasgos. Escribirás un ensayo sobre DOS rasgos de carácter que tiene este personaje, usando evidencia de la historia para respaldar tu afirmación. Asegúrate de:

*Escribe una introducción, incluida una tesis que afirme que el personaje tiene DOS rasgos específicos
*Escribe DOS párrafos de cuerpo, uno para cada rasgo
*Usar evidencia de la historia para probar que el personaje tiene esta afirmación
* Escribe una conclusión




Argument Slides Presentation in Google Classroom

Argument Slides Presentation

Use these Slides to create your argument presentation. Please refer to the rubric!


Argument Writer's Notebook in Google Classroom

Argument Writer's Notebook

Use this document for your notes, rough drafts, revising plans, etc.


Argument Essay TWO: FINAL DRAFT in Google Classroom

Argument Essay TWO: FINAL DRAFT



Homework Argument Essay FINAL DRAFT in Google Classroom

Homework Argument Essay FINAL DRAFT

Use this document to write your final draft.


Argument PRE On Demand in Google Classroom

Argument PRE On Demand

Think of a topic or issue that you know and care about, an issue around which you have strong feelings. You will have the class period to write an argument essay in which you will write your opinion or claim and tell reasons you feel that way. When you do this, draw on everything you know about essays, persuasive letters, and reviews. You may use any resources you may have brought with you or found online over the weekend. You only have the class period to do this and MUST turn it in at the end of the period. So you will need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in on sitting. 

In your writing, make sure you:

*Write an introduction
*State your opinion or claim
*Give reasons and evidence
*Organize your writing
*Acknowledge counterclaims
*Use transition words
*Write a conclusion




Piense en un tema o asunto que conozca y que le interese, un asunto sobre el que tenga fuertes sentimientos. Tendrás el período de clase para escribir un ensayo de argumento en el que escribirás tu opinión o afirmación y contarás las razones por las que te sientes así. Cuando haga esto, aproveche todo lo que sabe sobre ensayos, cartas persuasivas y reseñas. Puede usar cualquier recurso que haya traído o encontrado en línea durante el fin de semana. Solo tiene el período de clase para hacer esto y DEBE entregarlo al final del período. Por lo tanto, deberá planificar, redactar, revisar y editar al momento de sentarse.

Al escribir, asegúrese de:

* Escribe una introducción
* Exprese su opinión o reclamo
* Dar razones y pruebas.
* Organiza tu escritura
* Reconocer contrademandas
* Usa palabras de transición
* Escribe una conclusión


December Writing Prompts in Google Classroom

December Writing Prompts

Use the document and writing prompts to write fun holiday stories!


December Grammar Quiz in Google Classroom

December Grammar Quiz

Use your knowledge of grammar to answer the questions.


Informational Slides Presentation in Google Classroom

Informational Slides Presentation

Use these Slides to create your presentation.

Minimum: 5 slides
Maximum: 10 slides


Quick Informational Essay in Google Classroom

Quick Informational Essay

Use this document to write your quick informational essay. Be sure to include:

*An introduction with a hook, overview, and thesis
*2-3 body paragraphs that have a topic sentence, cited evidence, explained evidence, and a concluding sentence
*A conclusion that has a restated thesis, restated overview, and a hook that leaves your reader with something to think abou


* 2-3 段有主题句、引用证据、解释证据和结论句的正文段落

Utilice este documento para escribir su ensayo informativo rápido. Asegúrese de incluir:

* Una introducción con un gancho, una descripción general y una tesis.
* 2-3 párrafos de cuerpo que tienen una oración principal, evidencia citada, evidencia explicada y una oración final
* Una conclusión que tiene una tesis reformulada, una descripción general reformulada y un gancho que deja al lector con algo en qué pensar.


Informational Writer's Notebook in Google Classroom

Informational Writer's Notebook

Use this document as your writer's notebook for our Informational Unit.


Informational Pre On Demand in Google Classroom

Informational Pre On Demand

Think of a topic that you've studied or that you know a lot about. You will have the class period to write an informational essay that teaches others interesting and important information about this topic. You will need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in such a way that shows all you know about informational writing.

In your writing, make sure you:
Write an introduction
Elaborate with a variety of information
Organize your writing
Use transition words
Write a conclusion
Piense en un tema que haya estudiado o sobre el que sepa mucho. Tendrá el período de clase para escribir un ensayo informativo que les enseñe a otros información importante e interesante sobre este tema. Deberá planificar, redactar, revisar y editar de una sola vez. Escriba de tal manera que demuestre todo lo que sabe acerca de la escritura informativa. 

Al escribir, asegúrese de: 
Escribe una introducción 
Elaborar con una variedad de información 
Organiza tu escritura 
Usa palabras de transición 
Escribe una conclusión.








Fiction Writer's Notebook in Google Classroom

Fiction Writer's Notebook

Use this document for your writer's notebook during our fiction unit.

Utilice este documento para su cuaderno de escritura durante nuestra unidad de ficción.



Personal Narrative POST On Demand in Google Classroom

Personal Narrative POST On Demand

I'm really eager to understand what you can do as writers of narratives and stories. Today, you will write the best personal narrative, the best TRUE story, that you can. Remember, we aren't writing summaries. We're writing stories. Make this be a story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You'll have only forty-five minutes to write this true story, so you'll need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. In your writing, make sure you:

Write a beginning to your story.
Use transition words to tell what happened in order.
Elaborate to help readers picture your story.
Show what your story is really about.
Write an ending for your story.

SPANISH: Estoy realmente ansioso por comprender lo que pueden hacer como escritores de narrativas e historias. Hoy, escribirás la mejor narrativa personal, la mejor historia VERDADERA que puedas. Recuerde, no estamos escribiendo resúmenes. Estamos escribiendo historias. Haga que esta sea una historia única en su vida. Puede concentrarse en solo una escena o dos. Tendrá solo cuarenta y cinco minutos para escribir esta historia real, por lo que deberá planificar, redactar, revisar y editar de una sola vez. Escriba de una manera que le permita mostrar todo lo que sabe sobre escritura narrativa. Al escribir, asegúrese de:

Escribe el comienzo de tu historia 
Use palabras de transición para contar lo que sucedió en orden.
Elaborado para ayudar a los lectores a imaginarse su historia
Muestra de qué se trata realmente tu historia
Escribe un final para tu historia

CHINESE: 我真的很想了解作为叙事和故事的作家可以做什么。今天,你将写出最好的个人叙述,最好的真实故事,你可以。请记住,我们不是在写摘要。我们在写故事。让这成为你一生中的一个故事。您可能只关注一两个场景。你只有四十五分钟的时间来写这个真实的故事,所以你需要一次计划、起草、修改和编辑。以一种可以让你炫耀你对叙事写作的了解的方式写作。在你的写作中,确保你:



FINAL DRAFT 2: Personal Narrative in Google Classroom

FINAL DRAFT 2: Personal Narrative

Use this document to complete your final draft.


Extra Credit Writing in Google Classroom

Extra Credit Writing

Use this document to create a short story for extra credit on your PN2. Each story you write is worth 2 points.


Grammar Quiz in Google Classroom

Grammar Quiz

Answer each question to the best of your ability.


External & Internal Story Mountain in Google Classroom

External & Internal Story Mountain

Use this to help you map out the external events, aligned with internal events, in your story.


FINAL DRAFT 1: Personal Narrative in Google Classroom

FINAL DRAFT 1: Personal Narrative

Use this document to create the final draft for your first personal narrative.


Warrior 5, Week 3 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5, Week 3

Use these Slides and Drawing for your Warrior 5.


Warrior 5, Week 2 in Google Classroom

Warrior 5, Week 2

Use the Slides below and the Google Drawing document to complete your Warrior 5 Grammar activity each day. 

Use las diapositivas a continuación y el documento de dibujo de Google para completar su actividad de gramática de Warrior 5 todos los días.

每天使用下面的幻灯片和 Google 绘图文档来完成您的 Warrior 5 Grammar 活动。


Personal Narrative Pre On Demand in Google Classroom

Personal Narrative Pre On Demand

I'm really eager to understand what you can do as writers of narratives and stories. Today, you will write the best personal narrative, the best TRUE story, that you can. Remember, we aren't writing summaries. We're writing stories. Make this be a story of one time in your life. You might focus on just a scene or two. You'll have only forty-five minutes to write this true story, so you'll need to plan, draft, revise, and edit in one sitting. Write in a way that allows you to show off all you know about narrative writing. In your writing, make sure you:

Write a beginning to your story.
Use transition words to tell what happened in order.
Elaborate to help readers picture your story.
Show what your story is really about.
Write an ending for your story.

SPANISH: Estoy realmente ansioso por comprender lo que pueden hacer como escritores de narrativas e historias. Hoy, escribirás la mejor narrativa personal, la mejor historia VERDADERA que puedas. Recuerde, no estamos escribiendo resúmenes. Estamos escribiendo historias. Haga que esta sea una historia única en su vida. Puede concentrarse en solo una escena o dos. Tendrá solo cuarenta y cinco minutos para escribir esta historia real, por lo que deberá planificar, redactar, revisar y editar de una sola vez. Escriba de una manera que le permita mostrar todo lo que sabe sobre escritura narrativa. Al escribir, asegúrese de:

Escribe el comienzo de tu historia 
Use palabras de transición para contar lo que sucedió en orden.
Elaborado para ayudar a los lectores a imaginarse su historia
Muestra de qué se trata realmente tu historia
Escribe un final para tu historia

CHINESE: 我真的很想了解作为叙事和故事的作家可以做什么。今天,你将写出最好的个人叙述,最好的真实故事,你可以。请记住,我们不是在写摘要。我们在写故事。让这成为你一生中的一个故事。您可能只关注一两个场景。你只有四十五分钟的时间来写这个真实的故事,所以你需要一次计划、起草、修改和编辑。以一种可以让你炫耀你对叙事写作的了解的方式写作。在你的写作中,确保你:
